Empty Variables after solving the model

  • 2 August 2021
  • 1 reply



In my simulation that I am trying to solve, I solve two models(Model 1 and Model 2) sequentially. I have a set of constrains that are trying to minimize the magnitude of changes between the variables, i.e. minimize u; where u >= (Variables of model 1 - Variables of model 2); u is the magnitude of the difference between the two variable sets. 

When I run my simulation on AIMMS, my code snippet results in empty values for the variable u, instead it should contain a numerical value. I have previously run my situation on GAMS software and the algorithm works. 

Kindly let me know if you need more explanation on my code to help me out, any direction to look into would be much appreciated

1 reply

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Hi @sjatty. It would help if you could attach your AIMMS project here, preferably after adding the entire project folder to a zip file, or send it to our support by email if your project contains sensitive information. 


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