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Lauching AIMMS through AIMMSSelector with cloud licensing

  • 2 July 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi all,

I'm a researcher and I use AIMMS with an Academic License.

AIMMS is part of a routine I developed in Python and I used the "AIMMSSelector" to launch AIMMS, but since my license is now a cloud license I've not been able to launch AIMMS that way, it does not recognize the license, and only give me option to add a stand alone license or a network license server.

I've been searching for materials regarding this, but couldn't find any. Can you help me?


Here is the code I used to launch AIMMS previously:
#Initialize AIMMS
        sys.argv = g"makepy", "AimmsSelector.Selector64"]
        AimmsObj = win32com.client.Dispatch("AimmsSelector.Selector64")
        self.AimmsProj = AimmsObj.GetAimmsProject(f'{self.aimmsFileDir}\\{self.aimmsFileName}')
        self.AimmsProj.StartupMode = 1 #Start minimized
        self.AimmsProj.ProjectOpen(f'{self.aimmsFileDir}\\{self.aimmsFileName}', 0)

2 replies

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Hi @mglopes

To make this particular route work, you should at least add the following command line argument via the AIMMSSelector object:

--alluser-dir "%LOCALAPPDATA%/AIMMS/LauncherLicense"

with potentially the LOCALAPPDATA environment variable expanded, and you should make sure that your model is opened in developer mode with the IDE present (but I guess minimized should still be OK). Also realize that the current Academic and Community licenses expect you to accept the usage conditions once every day, which may be in your way for complete automation. 

Note, however, that the AIMMS COM object has been deprecated (see, and that, for the long run, we would advise you to start using the Data Exchange library to expose your model as a REST service on your local desktop, as discussed in 



It worked.
Thank you very much!


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