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Join the second Analytics for a Better World Webinar (ABW-W)   

Wednesday - May 27, 2020  

17:00PM-18:00PM Central European time

8:00AM-9:00AM Pacific time

11:00AM-12:00PM Eastern time  


Koen Peters, Head of Development for Supply Chain Planning at World Food Programme (WFP)  and PhD at Zero Hunger Lab, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Hein Fleuren, Professor in applying Business Analytics at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, and director Zero Hunger Lab


Title:  “Dear mathematician: why are you here? We need to move tonnages and help hungry people!” In this webinar we will highlight Tilburg University’s (The Netherlands) work at the United Nations - World Food Programme (WFP) headquarters in Rome. WFP is the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, reaching around 90 million people with food assistance in 80 countries each year.   

By connecting traditional supply chain elements to nutritional objectives, we made significant breakthroughs in the operational excellence of WFP’s most complex operations, such as Iraq and Yemen. We show how we used optimization to reduce the operational costs in Iraq by 12%, without compromising the nutritional value of the ration  

Finally we will highlight some of the typical aspects in working as a mathematician in these teams. And we will elaborate on the follow up of this work in the form of the Zero Hunger Lab (ZHL) in Tilburg, The Netherlands.  


ABW-W is an initiative taken by Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT, Cambridge, US) and Dick den Hertog (Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands).  

More than 420 participants joined for the first Analytics for a Better World Webinar (ABW-W) on April 29. The speaker was Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT, Cambridge). The presentation was on "Analytics for COVID-19".   

Here is the link to the video of this webinar (starts at 1:29 minutes): 


Can you share the link to the upcoming webinar on May, 27?


You can write an e-mail to me: Then I will put your name on the mailing list of ABW-W, and you will receive the zoom link a few days before the webinars. 


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