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Good day All,

I have a variable PW(t) where t is index from 1 to 24. What is the command to select the maximum and minimum value of PW(t) and also obtain its average. 


Thank you. 

Thank you for this.

Please which of the Identifiers did you use in picture 2 and 3. Do I have to create p_min, p_max, p_mean and p_avg as variables or parameter? You may kindly share the file to aid my understanding. I am new to AIMMS. Please note PW(t) is a variable that is obtained after running the model. 

Thank you once again. 


I recreated your use case with random numbers as follows. 

Now, to find maximum, minimum and average, I used these functions. 

And the results are:

p_min is 2. 

p_max is 99.

p_avg and p_mean are 53.


If you want the element inside t that has the minimum/maximum value, you need to use these functions:



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