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My WebUI app is looking mighty spiffy. However, whenever AIMMS takes an extra second or two, I see this blue busy spinner.

Alas, that is not in my color scheme.

How can I change either the color of the spinner or the .gif itself so that the spinner matches my look and feel?

Hey MathFour,

The busy icon is an gif located in C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\AIMMS\IFA\Aimms\\WebUIDev\www\resources\images depending on which AIMMS version you are using.

The default for the AIMMS version I'm currently using is busy_610467c49e28b4e0fc620c1e8336555b.gif which is blue. To change this, I suggest you to download something in your system's color scheme and change the referenced gif in the css class below.

.theme-aimms .veil-msg {

opacity: 1;

height: 50px;

background: #f5f6fa url(../../resources/images/throbber_5e55c38….gif) no-repeat 25px;

text-align: left;

padding-left: 74px;

color: #505767;

Hi @MathFour ,

Please try the following style:

/* to change the color of the busy text */

.theme-aimms .veil-msg .msg-body {

color: red;


/* to change the loader image */

.theme-aimms .veil-msg{

background: grey url("../images/dotloader.gif") no-repeat 25px;

height: 150px; /* if you want to change the height of the busy bar. */


/* to change the color of the cancel button on the right */

.theme-aimms .tag-veil .veil-msg.state-busy .ui-button{



the image needs to be in the /resources/css/images folder.

The current loading image is a 50x50 px image.

Do let me know if this helped.

Thanks @gabiservidone, however it doesn't work. I even tried changing the name of my gif to the name of the blue one, but it still picks up a runtime gif somehow.

Other ideas?


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