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How to change the WebUI display name of a parameter/set?

  • 2 September 2021
  • 2 replies

In my projects I like to use prefixes such as ‘s_’ for sets and 'p_’ for parameters.

However, when designing a webUI page, I would like to mask these names with something more human-friendly. How do I do this?

My minimal working example project contains two items:

Set s_DummyData {
Text: "SetDescription";
Index: i_dummy;
Definition: {
DATA {1 .. 100};

Parameter p_SampleParam {
IndexDomain: i_dummy;
Text: "ParamDescription";
Definition: {
val(i_dummy) * 100;

What I hoped the Text attribute would do, is replace ‘s_DummyData’ with ‘SetDescription’. Instead I see this when I enter a table in the WebUI:


@Pratap Kumble Amazingly simple, the example file and the documentation are exactly what I need. Thanks!

Hi @LowBjorn ,


You can achieve this by add a “” file in your “MainProject\WebUI\resources” folder.

You can edit the “” file in any text editor, and just add the translations there. I’ve attached the file for your reference.

Here is a link in the documentation as well -

Please let us know if this worked for you.





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