I am getting the following error when I try to open a project in 4.70:

This project (with WebUI) opens just fine in 4.69.
What needs to be fixed? And how can I fix it?
I am getting the following error when I try to open a project in 4.70:
This project (with WebUI) opens just fine in 4.69.
What needs to be fixed? And how can I fix it?
Dear Bon,
I’m afraid your screenshot is not showing up in your question, so it’s missing some crucial information:). Just a guess from my side: could it be the error dialog which you can find here, about Windows “protecting your pc”?
If so, the solution is also provided in that link.
With kind regards,
Also, everyone else I ask can see the screenshot. I wonder what’s up with your browser.
Hi Bon,
In the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\AIMMS\IFA\Aimms\\Bin you should be able to find the file CubeEngine.dll, which contains the requested function, and on my computer is 8,661,944 bytes.
If it is not present or has a different size, I would try to remove AIMMS from your computer and reinstall it.
Marcel Roelofs
Dear Bon,
I’m not sure what happened with the screenshot. In the morning, it was not visible for me. When I revisited in the afternoon, I could see it without problems. Which made it obvious that my answer was not what would help you, unfortunately.
With kind regards,
Thanks for the info,
I did remove 4.70, along with the guts of the AppData > Local > AIMMS > IFA > Aimms > folder and then reinstalled it. I still have the same problem.
I even created a brand new project to see what would happen. Indeed, when I try to open the new one in WebUI, I get the exact same error.
I even tried to open the new one in all three browsers, only to get exactly the same error message.
Let me know what to try next.
I await your instructions…
Hi Bon,
Mentioning 32-bit was the golden tip!! In Win32 there is something called calling conventions, where different calling conventions lead to different decorations of exported function names. Thus if a function’s name decoration doesn’t match the name of the function you’re trying to resolve you get this error.
In Win64 there is only one calling convention and no name decoration, hence we didn’t run into this error with Win64. As WIn32 AIMMS has already been deprecated for quite some time, nobody actually used Win32 any longer internally and also all WebUI tests run with Win64, so this one got unnoticed.
We’ll fix it in the next 4.70 hotfix release.
BTW. AIMMS 4.71 will be 64-bit only.
Marcel Roelofs
(Update: fixed as of AIMMS 4.70.4 !)
FYI: This morning, AIMMS 4.70.4 was released, containing the fix for this problem.
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