@afattahi there’s a difference between asynchronous solver sessions and running multiple AIMMS sessions.
The new licensing system does limit you to run two AIMMS sessions (see Running more than one instances of AIMMS at the same time | AIMMS Community), which is opening two separate AIMMS projects at the same time.
Asynchronous solver sessions are solve jobs started by an AIMMS session, and depends on the number of threads on your computer and your license. You can check the license information in AIMMS via
Tools → License → License configuration
If the license allows for it, the list of solvers will have the number of sessions in parenthesis beside them, like “solve name (x sessions).
What do you see in your license configuration ?
@mohansx thank you for the explanation.
Previously I mentioned the need for running two AIMMS sessions and the developer team swiftly responded by adding this capability to the next update.
Here, my question is regarding the Asynchronous solver sessions. I could run asynchronous GUROBI solver sessions before the new academic license delivery. But now I cannot run asynchronous solver sessions with GUROBI or CPLEX. I use the GUROBI academic license, while CPLEX comes for free with AIMMS academic license. Here is what I see in the License configuration window:
GUROBI (link-only)
CPLEX (Full)
Does this mean I cannot solve asynchronous solver sessions?
Hi @afattahi
The development team to the rescue again 
The number of options to set properly in our license files is endless, and this one didn't quite work like I thought it would. All solvers now support 32 sessions.