While calculating a Sum-Function I encountered a problem (see error message below):
While using the power of X=1 and X=2 the model works perfectly however with any other number (also negative numbers) it displays the error below in red.
Using +0.001 to avoid any division by 0 (in case of X being negative).
L1(p) being a variable which is defined by a constraint L_1(p):
Sum>i,L(p,i)] + L1(p-1)= L1(p)
And L(p,i) in the constraint being a binary parameter.
To run AOA the name of the AOA callback procedure should be assigned to suffix 'CallbackAOA' of 'Loesung'. For example: Loesung.CallbackAOA := 'OuterApprox::BasicAlgorithm'; where 'OuterApprox' is the prefix of the Outer Approximation module.
Warning: Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 10: Error: Solver failure (see message window).
Thank your for any help.