Hey everyone,
I´m currently using Aimms to build a model for my Bachelor Thesis. I have never worked with Aimms before so I´m pretty clueless in some regard.
So my problem is the following constraint:
sum ui, aSP(h,i)*x(i,t)] + sum uj, sum um, aFP(h,m)*(y(j,m,t))]] <= Capacity(h)
Here x(i,t) and y(j,m,t) are the decision variables which represent the accepted requests for two Product types. i are the different types of Product x and j are different types for Product y. t stands for different Periods. aSP and aFP indicate if product x(i) or y(j) needs Ressource h for its production.
I have declared Capacity(h) as a parameter with values for each h.
My Problem is now that the Programm takes these values for each seperate period, but the capacity in period 2 is of course lower than the capacity in period 1 and so on. I also cant just declare Capacity parameters for each period, because the remaining capacity in the periods after period 1 depend on the sold products and therefore the already used capacity in prior periods.
I think the capacity must be declared as a variable, but all my tries to make it work that way failed.
If anyone knows how i can deal with this problem, i would be very happy for your help.