Hi All,
I hope you are doing well! I have a question:
I am programming a model with 3 objective functions. The goal is to find the best locations for production.
I have diffrect sources, one destination and 4 products.
All the objective functions are linear and I used GMP::Column::SetAsMultiObjective to solve them similar.
The first function minimizes the costs (price * X(decision variable) + transportation cost * X)
The second one minimizes the produced CO2 (CO2 in production * X + CO2 during transport * X)
In the last one I want to maximize the social benefit, therefore I wanted to use a binary variable, so if X at a source location is > 0 the binary Variable Y should be 1 (0 otherwise).
so the objctive function should be: (Number of created Jobs + other social aspects) * Y
This is what I got so far:

When I add Y to v_objectiveFunktionSocial the error appears that multi objectives are only for linear models.
Is there a way to work with a binary variable here? Or mybe someone has an idea how I could change my social objective function to get similar results (bc I don’t want this to depend on the amolunt of the produced product)…
I hope you can understand my problem! Many thanks in advance!!!
Best, Eddy :)