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How to initiate variables using file.sol

  • 7 February 2020
  • 1 reply

I need to provide an initial (staring) solution for a mixed integer programming from a solution file (file.sol) to help the solver (cplex) in finding the optimal solution faster, but I do not know how.  I need to mention that:

  1. I have changed the setting for cplex to “Use advanced basis”
  2. the file.sol has been created by aimms for the same MIP 
  3. My knowledge of aimms is basic 

I  would appreciate if you could provide some details about variable initialisation.


1 reply

Userlevel 5
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To let CPLEX use a solution file you should set the CPLEX option 'Restart’ to 'Yes’. You should also rename the solution file to 'cpx00000.sol'.

You can set options in the Option Tree, which can be opened by selecting Settings - Project Options in the menu bar.


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