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Issues importing a parameter from an empty cell

  • 28 August 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi, everyone! 

I’m trying to import a parameter based on a excel sheet. The cell is empty and the parameter is set with a default value of inf, but the parameter keep assuming value of zero. There’s anything that I can do to, if the cell is empty, the value assumed be different than zero?

I don’t know if this should happen or if it’s an issue that has already been fixed. I’m using the verison 4.85, by the way.


Thank you very much!

Hi @beatrizcelante !


I’ve been testing, and I was not able to reproduce it. I am using DEX library ( to integrate using Excel a parameter that has inf as Default. AIMMS version being Can you share a little bit more on how you are integrating? If you can, can you share a small project as an example of this problem?


Thank you!

Hi, @gabiservidone !


To integrate, I’m using axll::ReadSingleValue. Doing some tests, I discovered that this issue occurs (sometimes, not always) when I set the value in the excel cell and then return the cell to empty. I don't know if it has anything to do with the format of the cell being in number or not, but sometimes after I turn off the computer and start everything again, the problem is solved.


Thank you!

I’ll try and reproduce that again, but can you create a small example where this problem occurs?



1 -  Excel Sheet.

The value that i’m trying to import are in the cell B blabla. The cell is empty (I already setted a value in this parameter and it works)


2 - Importing at AIMMS - AimmsXLLibrary Version (

 Here it is the snippet of code that I’m using


empty P_IMP_LimiteSaqueBB;

empty P_LimiteSaqueBB;


    ScalarReference :  P_IMP_LimiteDepositoBB,
    Cell            :  FormatString("B%i", P_LinhaAtual));



3- Assigning parameters

P_LimiteSaqueBB:= P_IMP_LimiteSaqueBB;

Both P_IMP_LimiteSaqueBB and P_LimiteSaqueBB are with the default set as inf.


Sometimes the P_IMP_LimiteSaqueBB recieves inf and sometimes recieves 0. But P_LimiteSaqueBB  recieves zero for both inf and zero values


Thank you for your help!


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