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Dear AIMMS Team,

I am a PhD student in the UK and I have been trying to solve a non-linear non-convex optimisation problem with different solvers for a Journal Paper. The following are the CPU details: Intel Core i7 2.2GHz, 16GB RAM memory, 64-bit operating system. So far the solvers CONOPT 4.0 and IPOPT 3.11 have been able to solve the case without problems. Unfortunately, when I use MINOS the following error appears:

Warning: Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure (see message window).

Message Window
For the MinCost 39239 columns have been generated of which only 31245 are non-empty.
Calling MINOS for NLP of 34726 rows, 31245 columns and 109867 non-zeros.
Calling MINOS to solve NLP model 'MinCost' and minimize GenCost.
Generation required 0.406 seconds.
MINOS error: Not enough memory for basis factorization. Required amount of memory: 2799 Mb.
You could increase the value of the general solvers option 'solver workspace'.
There is 1.76e+013 Mb in use by MINOS.
Warning at line 4459 in body of MainExecution:
Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure.
Solving the problem required 2.547 seconds.

Based on that message, I increased the value of solver workspace' to 'inf'. Unfortunately the same error is presented, and the message window shows the following:

Message Window
For the MinCost 39239 columns have been generated of which only 31245 are non-empty.
Calling MINOS for NLP of 34726 rows, 31245 columns and 109867 non-zeros.
Calling MINOS to solve NLP model 'MinCost' and minimize GenCost.
Generation required 0.375 seconds.
MINOS error: Not enough memory for solving problem. Required amount of workspace: 2796 Mb.
There is 10.3 Mb in use by MINOS.
Warning at line 4459 in body of MainExecution:
Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure.
Solving the problem required 0.078 seconds.

Since IPOPT and CONOPT have been able to solve the case I am clueless of what could be the problem. Would you please help me to solve this issue? 

Thanks in advance

Best wishes
Abraham Alvarez

Can you please try setting the ‘solver workspace’ option to a high real value, e.g., 10000?

Dear Marcel,

Thanks for your advice. I just tried it and the same error appeared. The message Window shows the following:

Message Window

Calling MINOS for NLP of 34726 rows, 31245 columns and 109867 non-zeros.
Calling MINOS to solve NLP model 'MinCost' and minimize GenCost.
Generation required 0.407 seconds.
MINOS error: Not enough memory for solving problem. Required amount of workspace: 2796 Mb.
There is 10.3 Mb in use by MINOS.
Warning at line 4459 in body of MainExecution:
Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure.
Solving the problem required 0.078 seconds.

Seems to behave the same as if the solver workspace has a value of ‘inf’. Do you have any other ideas?

Best Wishes

Abraham Alvarez


Can you try again by setting the ‘solver workspace’ option 3000?

If that does not work then I am afraid that I would need the project to resolve this. Are you able to share the project? (You can send it to our support by email if your project contains sensitive information.)

Dear Marcel, 

Unfortunately I have already tried that too. The same Error and Window message appeared. I will send it to support via email. 

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes

Abraham Alvarez

Hello @abrahamalvarezb , other question. I noticed you do not mention Knitro. Would you like to have that included as well? 



Dear @Gertjan,

It will be very useful. Actually I have a Knitro full license, but I dont know how to link it with AIMMS.

Best wishes

Abraham Alvarez

@abrahamalvarezb , please check your email as we have updated your license so that you can compare further (or hit the License upgrade button).  With compliments of AIMMS and KNITRO; we hope you post results as well. 

Dear @Gertjan 

Thanks for this, I have now AIMMS running with KNITRO too. The case runs also fine with this solver. I am still trying to figure out what is going on with MINOS but, @Marcel Hunting has been very helpful. I am sure soon there will be a solution. I’ll post the answer of this case as soon as is resolved. 

Best wishes

Abraham Alvarez

There was a bug in the AIMMS-MINOS interface which caused AIMMS to incorrectly handle large values (> 1000) assigned to the option 'solver workspace'. This bug will be fixed in AIMMS 4.71.


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