Dear AIMMS Team,
I am a PhD student in the UK and I have been trying to solve a non-linear non-convex optimisation problem with different solvers for a Journal Paper. The following are the CPU details: Intel Core i7 2.2GHz, 16GB RAM memory, 64-bit operating system. So far the solvers CONOPT 4.0 and IPOPT 3.11 have been able to solve the case without problems. Unfortunately, when I use MINOS the following error appears:
Warning: Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure (see message window).
Message Window
For the MinCost 39239 columns have been generated of which only 31245 are non-empty.
Calling MINOS for NLP of 34726 rows, 31245 columns and 109867 non-zeros.
Calling MINOS to solve NLP model 'MinCost' and minimize GenCost.
Generation required 0.406 seconds.
MINOS error: Not enough memory for basis factorization. Required amount of memory: 2799 Mb.
You could increase the value of the general solvers option 'solver workspace'.
There is 1.76e+013 Mb in use by MINOS.
Warning at line 4459 in body of MainExecution:
Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure.
Solving the problem required 2.547 seconds.
Based on that message, I increased the value of solver workspace' to 'inf'. Unfortunately the same error is presented, and the message window shows the following:
Message Window
For the MinCost 39239 columns have been generated of which only 31245 are non-empty.
Calling MINOS for NLP of 34726 rows, 31245 columns and 109867 non-zeros.
Calling MINOS to solve NLP model 'MinCost' and minimize GenCost.
Generation required 0.375 seconds.
MINOS error: Not enough memory for solving problem. Required amount of workspace: 2796 Mb.
There is 10.3 Mb in use by MINOS.
Warning at line 4459 in body of MainExecution:
Model status 13: Error no solution, Solver status 9: Error: Setup failure.
Solving the problem required 0.078 seconds.
Since IPOPT and CONOPT have been able to solve the case I am clueless of what could be the problem. Would you please help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance
Best wishes
Abraham Alvarez