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I have linked an SQLite Database with my model and I am trying to import the data present in database to a parameter PXTankAllocation, however, it is not importing and it does not give out any error too.  have attached screenshots for your reference. If you will see S5 image, it is a screeshot taken after I have run the procedure readdb.

Please help me with this. Thanks.


Hello Vishweshpatil,


You have attached screenshots instead the application.
From these screenshots I was unable to determine the cause of not reading in data.
There are various potential causes for data not to be read in, or not to be shown in the AIMMS WinUI pivot table.

Let's first check for the latter. In the data page you are seeing, please press the tools button (the button with the screw driver and the hammer), and then select sparse list.

If you still see no data, please feel free to share the application by zipping your project folder and sharing it on this thread or, when you have sensitive data, by sending an e-mail to and sharing your project using secure file sharing such as one-drive.


With kind regards,



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