Hello Sara,
Indeed, the functionality you describe is not available since AIMMS 4.86.
Please note, however, it is easily coded in an AIMMS procedure. Assuming you have created a selection of cases in CurrentCaseSelection, and you selected the procedure pr_computeTotPrice to be applied to all cases selected, the code to run a batch is then as follows:
Procedure MainExecution {
Body: {
ep_proc := StringToElement( AllProcedures, "pr_computeTotPrice", 0 );
for IndexCurrentCaseSelection do
sp_fn := CaseFileURL( IndexCurrentCaseSelection );
apply( ep_proc );
CaseFileSave( sp_fn, AllIdentifiers );
endfor ;
StringParameter sp_fn;
ElementParameter ep_proc {
Range: AllProcedures;
Default: 'MainExecution';
Imho, as the way the batch is structured, you now have a lot more flexibility in handling the batch. For instance, you can store the output in a separate folder, instead of overwriting the input case (not shown in the above).
Does this help?
With kind regards,