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Given a set of nodes and directed edges (from parent to child node), is it possible to construct an indexed set S_Children(i_node) that contains all children of the specified node?


With all children I mean the set of all reachable nodes, starting from i_node.

For example:

s_Nodes := {A, B, C}

s_Edges := {(A, B), (B, C)}

Then I would want:

s_Children(A) := {B, C}




The edges are actually defined through a binary parameter. i.e. 

p01_edge(A, 😎 := 1;

p01_edge(B, C) := 1;

@LowBjorn how did you declare/construct the set s_Edges ? Is it related to the set of nodes s_Nodes or, the tuples (A, 😎 … are read in from an external source ? 

@mohansx I just realised that the formulation of my question was a little off compared to my aimms structure. In fact, the edges are defined through a binary parameter that indicates if an edge exists from node1 to node2. e.g. p01_EdgeExists(node1, node2) := 1; indicates that there is an edge.

I updated my post.

I have found a recursive solution allong the following lines:

  • Define s_Children(i_node) to contain all direct descendants
  • Define s_ChildrenAux(i_node) to contain all direct descendants of each node in s_Children(i_node)minus the nodes already contained in s_Children(i_node)
  • Add s_ChildrenAux(i_node) to the set s_Children(i_node) and clear the auxiliary set.
  • Repeat until no elements exist in the auxiliary set after generation.


It works, and is quick enough. If there’s an answer without a loop I would still be very interested.

@LowBjorn glad you were able to figure it out. This is a graph traversal problem, so I think you will need some kind of loop to find all the children. I will try to spend some time and see if we can improve on your approach. 


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