I am using SetElementRename to rename one of my elements. However, each time I run the function, it claims that the element is specified in the model and cannot be renamed, but this element is not hard-coded in any part of the model.
Please find enclosed a small app that illustrates the use of SetElementRename. Operating this app: first add a name, say "1” and press the primary action button in the lower right
Then click the new element in the table, and enter a new spelling for the element, say "One”, and press the primary action button again in the lower right.
The result is as follows:
As you can see, the element in the table is now renamed.
Hope this ensures you that the function SetElementRename works. However, if you have a problem using that function in your application, please share that with a project and detail what to do to highlight your issue.
When your project contains confidential information, please describe your problem in an e-mail with AIMMS User Support: support@aimms.com. Before attaching your confidential project to an e-mail; note that AIMMS User Support can provide you with a link for secure sharing of information.
With kind regards,
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