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Cannot verify project validity error message

  • 5 August 2019
  • 1 reply

I'm not able to start any PRO session anymore, keep getting this error "Cannot verify project validity" and it says to check logs.

The error message in the server log is: C:\Program Files\AimmsPRO 2.0\AimmsPROLibrary\vc141\x64 doesn't exist.

What could be wrong?
Are you using an older PRO version?

Sometimes this can happen if you published an app on AIMMS version using VS2017 and you are using PRO version less than 2.28.

In PRO versions later then 2.28 (October 2018) this problem is solved.

So, the easiest fix is to upgrade to a newer version of PRO.

If you can't upgrade for some reason, there is a work-around:

-Stop the PRO services

-Remove C:\ProgramData\AimmsPRO\Data\jms-broker

-Start the PRO services


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