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When I try to launch one of our AIMMS applications on AIMMS Pro I get the error below. Another app I can run successfully (without even getting the dialog that asks if I want to open AppLauncher).

How do I fix this error?


Thank you for the quick response, but in the meanwhile I managed to solve the problem with help of my colleague Jacob Jan.

He advised to reinstall the AIMMS App launcher.

To save you unnecessary work, I will not send you the log files.



The error message indicates that you are experienced a network interruption or a problem that manifests like one.

Yet, due to the fact that it is not a consistent behavior first we need to troubleshoot and find the reason for the error. In order to do this I would like to ask you to share some logs with us which is not very handy on the community page. This is why I propose you to send us an e-mail to so we can treat this as a ticked. In the ticket could you be able to share the logs from 

%LOCALAPPDATA%\AIMMS\PRO\Launcher\<Pro version no>\AimmsPROLauncher.log.txt
%LOCALAPPDATA%\AIMMS\PRO\AppLauncher\<Pro version no>\ProWebLink.log

on your machine as well as the name of the app which does not open and the one(s) that consistently open without any issue.

Thank you in advance!


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