@Arthur thanks for the pointer to the Microsoft documentation. I will test the ActiveDirectoryIntegrated authentication option sometime this week. I wonder if it applies only to Azure SQL or SQL Server on-premises. I will keep this thread updated.
Good afternoon!
I would like to recommend a site with Connection Strings to a variety of databases:
Hi @Sree ,
Indeed, I never used any mechanism to emulate a certain AD user from a service like AIMMS PRO when connecting to a database. That would be a Database and ODBC driver feature that would allow to connect to a database with a certain filled AD name, independently from the service/computer/account itself.
There is maybe something to consider from the following new feature:
To make it work, you will need to store some “ActiveDirectoryPassword” in PRO itself matching the AD user connecting to the App.
Hope it helps !
Hi @Sree ,
If you are using the WebUI, The authentication is carried out from the service account running the AIMMS PRO service, thus from the server.
If you are using WinUI, the database ODBC driver is located (by default) on your end user computer, thus following the AD environment.
In WebUI, you may restrict the access to the database within the AIMMS application, because you can access the login User info (containing the AD info) as described in the following article:
Hi @Arthur, thanks for the info. As I understand, the restriction of access via user info obtained from PRO library is within AIMMS. I am looking for a different use case, which I did not elaborate sufficiently above, I think.
Let’s say there are some databases that are authorized to be accessed only by employees and not services like AIMMS (or server running AIMMS) for audit purposes (and other legal reasons). I was wondering if there is a mechanism to pass on the authenticated AD user credentials to the SQL server to query the data.
Hi @Sree
Was Arthur’s answer sufficient in answering your question?
The suggested authentication method in the documentation - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/using-azure-active-directory?view=sql-server-ver15 did not work. I tried this locally on my workstation (developer environment).
Attempt 1 with the following connection string:
DatabaseInterface : 'ODBC',
DriverName : "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",
ServerName : sp_serverName(mssql::db),
DatabaseName : sp_databaseName(mssql::db),
AdditionalConnectionParameters : "UID=<userID>;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive")
A dialog window titled ‘Microsoft SQL Server Login’ pops up with the following two error messages and an OK button.
Connection Failed:
SQLState: ‘08001’
SQL Server Error: -2146893019
rMicrosoft]tODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted
Connection Failed:
SQLState: ‘08001’
SQL Server Error: -2146893019
dMicrosoft]LODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Client unable to establish connection
Upon clicking OK, another dialog window titled ‘SQL Server Login’ pops up with modifiable parameters for the connection string. No modification here seems to resolve the connection issue. AIMMS hangs upon clicking ‘Cancel’ in this dialog.
Attempt 2 with the following connection string:
DatabaseInterface : 'ODBC',
DriverName : "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",
ServerName : sp_serverName(mssql::db),
DatabaseName : sp_databaseName(mssql::db),
AdditionalConnectionParameters : "UID=<userID>;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated")
No error messages. But TestDataSource(sp_SQLconnectionStrings(testdb)) fails.
I also tried variations of the above attempts (with “TrustServerCertificate=True” and “Encrypt=True”) without any luck.
Attempt 3 with the following connection string:
DatabaseInterface : 'ODBC',
DriverName : "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",
ServerName : sp_serverName(mssql::db),
DatabaseName : sp_databaseName(mssql::db),
AdditionalConnectionParameters : "Trusted_connection=yes")
Above works fine. So it is probably not a driver issue (‘ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server’).
I am not sure if something needs to be configured on the server side. May be it does not apply to on-premises SQL server.