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I wanted to know how is one supposed to take input from excel sheet when I publish my app on Cloud. I have tried uploading the excel sheet on cloud but I’m not sure how to locate the file on cloud and read data from that. Could you please guide me through this? Thanks.

I have attached some screenshots for your reference.

To upload an excel : and then act on the file through the standard AXLL functions.

hope this helps

@vishweshpatil The FileSelect function will not work with WebUI apps.

Replace FileSelect with FileExists instead and your procedure should work. 


Also, make sure that you are opening the correct workbook in the procedure pr_readInputMasterDataFromExcel. 


You are checking for the file ``excelFileName`` but later on opening the file ``excelFileNameMaster``. 


In the upload widget procedure, you are copying the file to central storage with path ``sp_PublicDataExchangeFileName``. I think you should be checking the existance of this file and then open it to read data from it. 


if not FileExists(sp_PublicDataExchangeFileName) then






I also wanted to know, when we upload a file to cloud central storage vis upload widget (Eg:"pro:/PublicData/ExchangeFilename"), how can we access that file? Assuming it is an excel file and we need to read it via AXLL Library.



you are already using pro::SaveFileToCentralStorage to copy files on there. You can use the companion function pro::RetrieveFileFromCentralStorage to do the opposite. 


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