trying to see if I can get AIMMS (running locally on my computer) to talk to one of our internal authenticated API endpoints, but running into a problem with the callback url.
In the documentation, I see that the callback URL aimms will use locally is http://localhost/oauth2. However, when I run it from my own computer, I see it is actually using http://localhost:8080/oauth2.
Both of these unfortunately are not on the list of approved callback urls….
Since I am not the owner of the application that I trying to call, it is quite difficult for me to request a new URL to be added to the list of approved URLs.
There is a local developer URL already approved and would like to make AIMMS use that particular one. The URL that is approved is http://localhost:3000/login/azure/authorized.
Is there any way I can make AIMMS use this particular callback URL instead of the current hardcoded (which also is different from the documentation).