Call for feedback: Machine Learning and other AI technologies with AIMMS

  • 15 April 2022
  • 0 replies
Call for feedback: Machine Learning and other AI technologies with AIMMS
Userlevel 4
Badge +4

From quite some AIMMS app developers we have heard demand for ‘enabling AI/ML’ in AIMMS or ‘Run AI/ML, extending the AIMMS platform’. We have ideas how we could indeed deliver this to you. For example:

  • Making it easy to ‘add’ a Python script/program to your AIMMS project that can be fed with model data and from which the results can be returned to AIMMS identifiers. We can think of various ways to run such a Python script, think of Azure Function or maybe as a Docker container, etc..
  • Making it easy to call ready-to-use services such as ‘Azure Machine Learning’ from your AIMMS model, including the transfer of model data to and from that service.

But before we make too many assumptions and start building functionality, we would like to learn more about your needs and expectations.

So please tell us:

How do you expect AIMMS to support you in applying Machine Learning and other AI technologies, apart from optimization, in your projects?


And there is the broader topic. AIMMS has historically focused on (mathematical) optimization, a form of Artificial Intelligence in our view. As we see the rise of ML and other AI-technologies we are asking ourselves the question how we should respond to that. Of course we have ideas of our own, but we are curious how you see that.

So please tell us also:

How would like to see AIMMS embrace Machine Learning and other AI-technologies (apart from optimization)? What role do you see for us?


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