Good day all,
I am one of the AIMMS beginners and would like to seek help upon my modelling project that I working on currently.
The project is about “Production Planning Optimisation for a High Tech Company” where the company is producing 5 assemblies using 22 materials in the period of 30 weeks.
The problem that I am facing while solving this model using AIMMS are as per below:
- Unable to solve the constraints 6 where at t=0, the onhand inventory must be equal to the input materials during the first week of assemble. The result shows infeasible solution as per below pictures.

I had attached the information of this project for better context. Note that, the similar question/model, can be solve by using python without having any error. And I had attached the reference link below for your reference and comparison.
May I know the things that I should double check when running this model ?
Appreciate that I can get the respond from you. Thank you.
reference link: