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We have been asked to add Filtering to widgets, and most importantly to the Table. Currently we are working on this and like to have your feedback. Instead of giving you a set of pictures, we created a clickable prototype for you to try and give feedback on. 

How to use the clickable prototype? Just open the link below and click on the ‘blue’ boxes that appear when you click on the screen (that are the interactive parts as we did not make a fully functional setup).

→ In this prototype, you can go to Denver, and select “Add Filter Rule”, from there on, you can fill the first prepared rule and add a filter second rule. Once added, those can be removed again via the Denver column or the general widget filter icon.

We want to start with a number of filter concepts such as value based (min, max, between, top-n) and string based (contains, does not contain, equal to). 

As you can imagine, this filter can also work for our chart widgets such as bar chart, tree map etc. Idea is to make the concept as general as possible.

Please add your feedback below!

Add a filter rule on the column “Denver”


The Filter Rule builder with in the background the Filtered Table


Hi @Gertjan,

This looks really cool! Already having the proposed filter concepts would be a huge added value to many applications. I like the functionalities in the clickable prototype.

I (currently :wink: ) have two suggestions for using such ‘embedded' filters:

  1. Also allow filters on the domains of the identifiers of the widget
    1. This enables users to filter on stores or depots in the table, making the filtering uniform (and reducing the need to fall back on e.g. multiselect widgets)
  2. Apply the filters application wide
    1. it would be very powerful if you filter based on data in a specific table, and would be able to see other visuals (possibly on other pages) with the same filters in place. This would lead to a very user friendly and intuitive interaction with the data.

Any ideas currently when we can expect this to be released?


Hi @Gertjan,

First of all: I like the clickable prototype, and I agree it looks really cool.

I am also happy to read that you want to make this concept as general as possible.

One suggestion from my side: I would like to have the possibility to enter a value in the dialog by clicking on it in the table, or prefill the dialog with a selected value.

That would make life easier and less error prone.

Thanks for sharing!

@Richard , thanks for your super fast response

Also allow filters on the domains of the identifiers of the widget

we indeed plan to do that! BTW, Still multi-select widgets are handy as those are (your next question) application wide as they change display sets. Also, we not yet foresee selection as a filter.

Apply the filters application wide

sounds interesting, but not on our list and is a very different way of thinking. Good to realize we look at it as an end user filter. The developer does not develop anything; it is therefore only applicable to the specific table or chart widget and not stored model side either (no reference identifiers or so). Idea is to allow the end user to digest/explore the data that is currently in front of him/her.  


@Brn , thanks also for your super fast response

 I would like to have the possibility to enter a value in the dialog by clicking on it in the table, or prefill the dialog with a selected value.

sounds also interesting. We currently do not have this in the plans, but it could make it even faster to build a first rule. Thanks!


@Richard, with respect to release, we are in refinement phase of UI and so planning still has to be made. Technically, the back-end already works for most ideas we have 🙂. Would like to see completed in next months.

Do check out the beta-release available now and provide your feedback:

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