Dear Community,
I am happy to share the exciting work we have been developing for WebUI.
Further Workflow improvements: In the most recent AIMMS 4.92 release, Workflow support for sublevels and enhanced UI designs were added. We improved it further in response to the following two requests:
- Accessibility to a page set up as an inactive/hidden Workflow step: We acknowledge the input that it can be difficult to land on a page that is set up as a Workflow step with an Inactive/Hidden state because you are constantly redirected elsewhere. Now, when you access such a page using the Application Manager (accessible only to an App developer), you actually land on the intended page without being redirected.
- Access page set up for multiple Workflows: The Workflow feature was flexible enough to allow for the configuration of a page as a step in multiple Workflows. However, when you had clicked on such a Workflow step, you would have been taken to the first Workflow that had this page configured. Now we addressed this, such that clicking on a Workflow step like this will keep you in the current Workflow that is being displayed.
- Other WebUI enhancements: The AIMMS SCNav team made the following two requests, which we incorporated:
- Support for extra Sidepanel tabs on a page: We increased the number of Sidepanels that may be set up on a page from the earlier maximum of 6 to 10 now. The visual representation of the Sidepanel tabs remains the same on a page with Sidepanels configured up to a count of 6. The Sidepanel Tabs evenly divide the available vertical space on a page with a Sidepanel count of 7 to 10.
- Controlling Data Case Comparison on a Widget: We are aware that when Data Case Comparison is applied on the WebUI, on the widgets that are used to load configurations, datasets, scenarios, etc. it does not make sense to view data for multiple cases. Earlier, App developers had no mechanism to control whether to apply data case comparison to a widget. We have added an option to the Table and every Chart widget, so that the App developer can now have control. The widget still has the Case comparison feature enabled by default. A literal toggle or an AIMMS identifier can be used by an App developer to override and manage it.

We hope that these features add value to your application and improve the user experience even further.
Please leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments.
Team WebUI.