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Hi all!

I built a feasible model in SG Navigator with 21 production plants and a detailed BOM per item and location. However, I must add constraints related to the total production per item and location during the period of analysis. 

I tried three ways but any of them worked: 

  • Adding Minimum capacity and Force Open = 1 in the Production Sheet + Adding Minimum capacity per Location and Item in the Production Routing Sheet. Result = The model was infeasible 
  • Adding Maximum capacity in the Production Sheet + Adding Minimum capacity per Location and Item in the Production Routing Sheet. Result = The model does not respect all of the constraints 
  • Adding Minimum capacity and Maximum capacity (both of them with the same quantities) in the Production Sheet +  Production Routing Sheet. Result = The model was infeasible 

How should I model those constraints? 


Hi Mia, number 3 sounds like the most appropriate way for what you’re trying to do.  If the model is infeasible, maybe those production constraints are conflicting with some other constraints in your model.  do the production amounts match your demand and any transport constraints you have?  If not, is there inventory allowed, to manage the difference?

Hello ma.sanchez116,

The approach of adding the constraints in Production Sheet + Production Routing sounds reasonable to me.

Without all the details is hard to say where the problem is,
If you would like to discuss this in a videocall, please share some available timeslots by sending an email to , subject: SC Navigator Question.

Best regards, Facundo


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