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Can we only show every nth label on the x-axis in a (line-) chart?

  • 10 September 2020
  • 2 replies

I have a resolution type of issue in the WebUI. I have a linechart with 168 elements on the x-axis (all hours of the week), on a linechart of 12 colums. The data is visible in the chart, but the axis labels won't be displayed. If I reduce the number of x-elements to 150, the labels are visible again.

I have tried modifying the element text of my domain set to a string parameter which only has a value every nth element, but that does not solve the issue.

Is there a way in which I can show at least some labels on my x-axis when the widget size is insufficient to display them all?


Hi @Richard ,

We are looking into how we can improve the experience on charts especially with labels. This is currently work in progress and will be gradual since we need to look at all charts.


In the meanwhile will solve your problem?


Do let me know if that works.




Hi @Pratap Kumble , thanks for your reply. The proposed solution works! Also good to hear that you are looking to improve the experience 🙂. Looking forward to future improvements!


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