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Centering Title in Table Widget

  • 3 July 2024
  • 2 replies

This is what it is:

And this is how I want it to look like:

Seems like entering empty spaces at the beginning of the String doesn’t work. Any ideas on how to do it?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

One way would be to add some css that will center the h2 node holding the title

Adding the following custom css to your project:

.aimms-widget[data-widget\.uri="mydemotable"] h2.title-addon{
margin: auto;

seems to do the trick:


Note that you will have to replace the “mydemotable” in the above code with the name of your widget.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi @gdiepen,

Thanks, it works. To add to this for a further reference for future, I just found out that left margin can also be customized as follows:

.aimms-widget[data-widget\.uri="mydemotable"] h2.title-addon{
margin-left: 3cm;



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