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Customize keyboard shortcuts

  • 23 April 2020
  • 2 replies



Is it possible to customize keyboard shortcuts in WebUI? For example, I would like to press ‘Ctrl + S and them save the active case. 




If it’s possible for us to customize the shortcuts, I’d use:

  • Optimize
  • Next/previous workflow page
  • Show/hide side panel
  • Upload/download widget

But I’m not aware of @Camille Kamimura’s complete use case.

Currently this is not available @Camille Kamimura, but great suggestion.

Curious, are others also interested in this? And, what would be actions one would like to see short-cut keys for would we offer them? [this is a question for all of course!]

  • Save Case 


PS: I am reluctant to ask what the shortcut key is, as you don’t want to overwrite browser shortcuts such as cCTRL+], RCTRL-] for zooming, mCTRL,P] for printing etc. Best to better ask for the need first!



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