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Error in WebUI when using OneDrive

  • 2 March 2020
  • 2 replies

When I create a project in a folder, which is synced by OneDrive, and I try to add a widget in the WebUI, I get the following error message: “awf.state: Problem writing ‘MainProject/webui.json’ on the server (500: boost::filesystem::create_directory: Eine Datei kann nicht erstellt werden, wenn sie bereits vorhanden ist: ...])’ (translates to: “a file cannot be created when it already exists”). I can continue working in the WebUI, but when I close the project, all my work is lost.

I do not experience the problem, as soon as I move the complete project folder outside of OneDrive. 

Does anyone else have the same problem?

AIMMS version: (64-bit)

@Benedikt , what are your OneDrive sync settings ? 


Default settings of OneDrive is to download files as you use them, so there is a physical copy of only those files which it thinks are being used on your laptop. This does not always work well with an AIMMS project which is a collection of files and folders. 


If you change your settings to always keep copies on your laptop, you shouldn’t have any problem. Below is my OneDrive settings and I work on AIMMS projects in this directory. However, it is recommended that you don’t start a git repo in a OneDrive folder. 



Thank you for sharing your settings with me, @mohansx. After changing my settings I don’t get the error message anymore.


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