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In the gantt chart, you can set a custom tooltip when the user is hovering over each of the jobs.


Is it also possible to customize the tooltip that is shown when you modify one of the jobs? In one of my demos, it shows the following:


but what I want in that tooltip is actually the current start and end times also (basically, my own custom string parameter)


The same would be for not changing the size of the job, but dragging the position left-right.


Hi Guido,

After having a quick look at the source code for the Gantt chart, I think I can only conclude that tooltip changes are not consider when manipulating the jobs. Sorry.

We do have separate handlers for changes to start, end and the two combined (‘move’), but they seem to be occupied in changing the involved job attributes only, not setting up any new tooltip for it.

I think it is worth noting this down as a new feature and it would help to draw attention to it by submitting it in the Ideation section, here in the community.

I also think that setting up a new, more performant and less data-restricted version of the Gantt chart will currently have higher priority for more users, and our Product Owner. Still, a new version could still have this feature.

Hope that helps to set your expectations, for current and improved Gantt charts.
Thanks for inquiring here!


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