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Multiple case objects in WebUI

  • 17 April 2019
  • 2 replies


Is there a way to view multiple case files on WebUI? I know that this is possible using multiple case objects in the developer version.

I wonder if some way of accessing the list of all casefiles (that are not necessarily loaded) and using CaseFileMerge may help with this…

This would be very helpful for our users to view results from multiple cases in the same visualizations, and would also make it easier on our side in terms of scenario management. Thanks!

Hi guys! I just solved my problem but I was not able to delete this. Sorry!

Hi @Curious AIMMS-bot 2 ,

Are you aware of using the Data Manager in WebUI to compare data between different cases ? See attached screenshots to compare cases.

All the case files in the Data folder will be available to see and compare. Shared cases on PRO will also be available.

By default, adding a case to compare will trigger all the objects in WebUI to become multi case objects - so I would recommend to create a separate page for users to do case comparison. This will help you avoid some nasty visualizations which might show up because of adding another dimension to the charts.

All the charts will remember the pivot position of the case index, so by using a separate page - you can control how the comparison between different cases will be visualized.

Does this answer your questions ? Let me know if I can be anymore help or if you would like an example.


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