In your answer to my previous question, you mentioned I could keep the questions coming. Last couple of days I have been playing quite a bit with AIMMS and the WebUI again, so here are some of my questions .
- In the winUI, I had the option of denoting a string parameter that should be used for the display of the values of an index of a parameter in the pivottable. For example, my set could be elements {0,1,2} but I could set a string parameter to be used to display the values of the set, meaning in the table it would be shown as { “My option 1”, “My option 2”, “My option 3” }
Is this still easily possible and am I overlooking something, or is this option not possible anymore? - One of the options I liked in the winUI is setting the columns to auto-width based on the data that was displayed. This way I did not have to manually figure out what is the best width for each of the columns. Is this option still possible in the webUI?
- Do I understand correctly that the difference between annotation identifier and highlight annotations is that the first will re-render the complete widget when the annotation changes, while the second one only re-renders the relevant cells in the widget?
- If I want to introduce an empty line in my grid (e.g. show two drop down boxes in a side-panel, then a bit of whitespace or an empty line, then a button with a certain action). Can I do that easily in the page designer, or should I introduce additional padding/margin on the top of the button using css?
- Is there a way to hide an index column in table if it only contains a single element (like similar to the winui pivottable hide if single identifier)
- Is it possible to have a single select not being a drop-down box, but a row for each of the elements (similar to what you have in the multiselect)?
- When using the grid-page layout, how can you delete widgets that you don’t want to have anymore? I can move them to “Unsassigned widgets” but I can’t seem to completely remove the widget?
- In a table, I can set the number of decimals, but I cannot seem to set the number of decimals per identifier (e.g. some identifiers I want to show with 3 decimals, while others I want to show with 0 decimals).
- In a table, can I hide 0 values? I know that if a complete identifier is 0, it is hidden (unless I set the display domain to 1 for example). But sometimes I just want to just hide any of the 0 values to keep the focus on the non-zero values. One way I can think is introducing a highlight annotation that indicates a parameter value is 0 or not. In case of 0, I would use a css rule on this annotation to not display the contents. Is this indeed the way I should do this, or are there other/smarter ways?
Although quite some questions, have to say that I am getting more comfortable with the webUI and starting to like it more and more There might still be more questions coming in the future