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SidePanelOrder and WidgetOrder sets

  • 14 January 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi AIMMS support!

I have noticed that for the Workflow Panel and for the Status Bar there are pre-declared sets for indication of the order of the workflow steps (webui::indexWorkflowOrder) and status bar messages (webui::indexApplicationExtension) respectively. But for the Side Panel and the Widget Action the developer needs to declare such a set (as a subset of integers) in each model. In my point of view it will be better to work with per-declared sets for all these objects, also makes it easier to copy sections between different models.

Are there plans to add these pre-declared sets for the workflow and status in the future releases?



2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @tbulavskaya,


We actually do have pre-declared index that can be used for Side Panel and Widget Actions as well -  


You can find this in the ExtensionOrder set (under the AIMMS WebUI library → Pages and Dialog Support → Public Workflow Support Declarations) which is a subset of the pre-declared set of Integers, with several indices:

  • indexWorkflowOrder, used to reference the number of Workflows,
  • indexNoOfPages: used to reference the number of pages or steps in each Workflow.
  • indexPageExtension: used to reference the number of page extension such as Page Actions, Side Panels and also Widget Actions.
  • indexApplicationExtension: used to reference the number of application extension such as Status Bar messages.

I did realize that the documentation does not reflect this. Working on correcting that.

Please let us know if this helped.




Userlevel 1

Thanks Pratap, this is exactly what I was looking for!


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