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Style of scalar widget in webui

  • 23 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Started another round of playing around with the AIMMS webui and running into some more questions again :smiley:  I think most of my questions originate from the fact I still think in the old winUI and trying to convert my mind into the webUI way of thinking


I saw that the scalar widget has two ways it can display the contents, depending on whether you include one or more values:


The top one is the style whenever you select a single scalar value, the bottom one is when you have multiple scalars to be displayed. Is it possible to use the second style if you just want to display a single scalar value?


The underlying reason for this question is that I would like to create something like the DialogGetString functionality: create a dialog page that provides the user with a field to provide the name for a scenario or a case. 

Is there anything I am overlooking here? Am I trying to use the webUI in the old winUI way and should I be doing this in a different way?

Hi @gdiepen


I think you are looking for the Compact Scalar which is an Experimental Feature in the WebUI. You will have to open the experimental features panel and toggle/check the Compact Scalar option.


On checking the field, you will need to refresh the page. Add a scalar widget and go to the Miscelleanous tab of the widget settings. You will see an option for “Compact Mode”. This is a boolean field. You can toggle the mode by 1 (On) or 0 (Off). 


When you toggle the compact mode to on, the scalar widget will condense to the height of a button or label.


There is one condition. This mode of the scalar widget will only display the first identifier in the contents section. Rather, it shows only one identifier.

And it does not have a title/header.


I hope this helps? And please keep the questions and suggestions coming! :)






Thanks @Pratap Kumble, I think this might be what I was looking for :)


At the moment playing around with AIMMS a bit again, so indeed more questions might be on its way :grin:



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