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WEB UI does not save

  • 15 June 2022
  • 2 replies



For a university project we use AIMMS to solve a model, we also would like to use the WEB UI, however after building the WEB UI it does not save. Why does it not save, is it because we have an academic license? In the AIMMS model the module 'AIMMSWEBUI read only]' has the property no save, however since it is read only, we are not able to change it. Is there a solution for this problem?

Kind regards!

Settings → Action on leave = procedure: save

Hi @IDontUderstandWEBUI , sounds like you figured it out on your own :)

If you’re looking for more WebUI resources, you may want to check out our Academy, where we have a course called Basics: My First AIMMS App to guide you through the fundamentals


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