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Why is there no download / upload case function in the WebUI data manager

  • 6 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Our users want to be able to store case files locally on their computer and reupload to the cloud environment at a later stage. It looks like the WebUI data manager does not support this requirement. 

What is the best way to enable users with such a feature?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hello @Paulus, you can develop it or copy what we already have available in an example! 😉

In our Employee Scheduling example (, you can see in the page action, the button ‘Case Manager’ where you can download and load a case for this project. All the procedures related to this functionality can be found trough that dialog page. 

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi @gabiservidone,

The example you shared is very similar to what I've implemented, with the addition that during the case upload I save it in the central storage. This can be done by adding the lines marked in yellow to your code example. <see screenshot 1> 

Although this creates a case, the case becomes read only. Which can be seen via the data manager, but it can not be deleted or modified. <see screenshot 2>. Why is that? Is this a potential bug?

Jacob Jan

P.s. Let me put in the feature request to get a case download and case upload directly in the Data Manager.

<Figure 1 Saving the case on the central storage>

<Figure 2 Case appears as read only, as the delete function is not appearing>



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