Students from the University of Luxembourg were trained last week in the use of AIMMS Network Design. The 3-hour training session hosted by university faculty members for a Logistics Management course, and conducted by myself and Paul van Nierop, helped students feel comfortable with using Network Design and Center of Gravity. They will be using these SC Navigator Apps to perform a case study project with the objective of designing an optimal Network for a fictional distribution company (“DistriLux”) and prescribing new, creative solutions to the business.
A virtual hands-on zoom training was conducted with 21 Master students joining from all around the world. The feedback was very positive from both the professors and the students. Personally, it was a great experience for me to engage with students from the same Master's program I graduated from in 2019. I feel confident that they will begin to see the value of our apps as they get deeper into it over the next 10 days.

Are you a student interested in receiving this training? Are you a professor who would like us to provide it for your students? Leave a comment below and we will get in touch.