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The next Standard 2-Day Workshops is scheduled for August 21-22 (Haarlem) and August 28-29 (Seattle).

The next Advanced 2-Day Workshops is scheduled for 18-19 September (Haarlem) and 20-21 November (Seattle).

If you have a subscription to a Developers License then these workshops are for free.

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Standard 2-Day Workshops

We have created a 2-day workshop format to give users an opportunity to learn and share their AIMMS learning experience in a group setting. This hands-on workshop will be led by one or more of our AIMMS experts. They will provide guidance while you are working on various exercises.

The workshop is geared to help you to make immediate use of the advanced productivity tools and features of AIMMS.

Topics - Model Building- End-User Interface- Structuring Large Models- Pages and Templates- Quantities and Units- Gantt Charts and Network Objects- Linking to a Database- User-Defined Menus- Linking your own DLL to AIMMS- Data Management

Advanced 2-Day Workshops


The workshop is geared to help you to make even better use of the advanced productivity tools and features of AIMMS.

Topics (may change) - Solving and manipulating mathematical programming instances - Infeasibility analysis- Database + Filtering- Units of Measurement- Error Handling- Execution Efficiency- Unit Test Library for Test Driven Development- Open session

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