Set your project up for success: Part 1, Know the key areas

  • 22 May 2020
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Set your project up for success: Part 1, Know the key areas
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Devote time to key areas in your plan for success

One of the very first posts on our Community is "How to create a reliable and successful AIMMS application" which provides tips for developers and project managers. This topic is crucial for many of our customers, and is well worth revisiting from an even higher level for all stakeholders. 

As Director of User Support & Customer Success, I have evaluated many AIMMS projects. Evaluation shows that "just" making a good model with AIMMS is no longer sufficient for a successful project and a happy customer. An AIMMS implementation is increasingly a software implementation, including everything that comes with it.  

The developer is increasingly becoming part of a team of specialists, including IT specialists, data connection experts, and UI or interaction designers. 

An AIMMS implementation is increasingly a software implementation, including everything that comes with it.  

 The main reasons for this: 

  • Applications developed with AIMMS are often made for end users who are unfamiliar with the underlying model. 

  • An AIMMS application is increasingly connected to other systems or data sources.  

  • In addition to supporting strategic decisions, more AIMMS applications are now being developed to make tactical or operational decisions. 

In these conditions, I have observed several key areas which are decisive for the success of AIMMS projects. 

  • Time to value

  • Data management 

  • UI and UX 

  • Change management 

  • Maintenance and support 

We’ll explore these key areas in a series of articles over the next few weeks. 


Read now:

Part 2, Make "Time to Value" a priority

Part 3, Determine what data from which sources is needed

Part 4, User Experience is not optional

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