Set your project up for success: Part 5, Change management

  • 26 October 2020
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Set your project up for success: Part 5, Change management
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Managing organizational change as part of implementation


This article is part of the series “Set your project up for success.”

The implementation of a new software product actually always implies a change:

  • An old tool is replaced
  • New functionality is added, old, perhaps much-loved, functionality is removed
  • Tricks and workarounds might no longer work
  • A new UI, a different workflow

But often the change goes further than end-users who get a new app:

  • A new process is implemented
  • Data streams are merged
  • Departments must collaborate or become dependent on each other
  • Figures that were only known to a few are made explicit

These are all examples that we have encountered during AIMMS projects over the years. If properly handled, a project can be successful. When they're not, a project can be endlessly delayed or even fail.

In this post, you will not find golden rules for Change Management. Instead, we'll share a simple advice: Realize, at all times, that a project with AIMMS brings about a change and that it's good to assign responsibilities for implementing the change before the project starts. And don't forget to add the end-user to the group of stakeholders.

Make sure it is clear from the beginning who will be responsible for what.




HEINEKEN released an AIMMS-based brewing capacity model for 68 countries, with over 100 breweries involved. As you can imagine, these was considerable effort dedicated to change management to make sure this global project was successful. Something that worked really well for them was having a support unit internally to help colleagues with the change. Click here to learn more about their story (you'll need approval to watch the webinar - apply to join our group).


Read now:

Part 1, Devote time to key areas in your plan for success

Part 2, Make "Time to Value" a priority

Part 3, Determine what data from which sources is needed

Part 4, User Experience is not optional

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